We provide flexible top tier lawyers and consultants. Their specific knowledge and experience expands the capacity of your internal team, on site or remotely and allow you to assume greater volume of projects. Without incurring fixed costs or overruns and without compromising the quality of work.
We are highly qualified lawyers who can cover the specialties that the firm does not have (expertise gap) or meet excess demand at a certain time (secondment). With our support, you can continue to focus on core business and customer retention, while reducing fixed costs.
Our lawyers increase the added value of consulting projects, maximizing results and minimizing legal risks.
They work together as a single team with the consultants assigned to the project, from your offices, those of the client or remotely, at the choice of the consulting firm.
We very often see how good legal advice from the beginning is key to minimizing the risks of a business and transmitting trust to clients and investors. In Lawyers for Projects we offer you flexible top-tier lawyers and vast experience in the legal challenges faced by start-ups, without the costs of the structure of a traditional firm. In addition, we ourselves are entrepreneurs. We speak the same language.